Reading Under The Stars Scholastic Style

This year’s Summer Reading theme is Reading Under the Stars, and is powered by EVEREADY®, the maker of batteries and flashlights, to encourage families to discover new and fun ways to explore reading outside this summer.So, this summer is flying by! Feels like school just let out and before you know it we’ll be back to school shopping and getting ready for the big first day of school!! We have been so busy this summer; beach vacations, water park, movies, birthdays. It’s been a whirlwind! Along with all these activities we have been keeping up with our reading and both Ava and Hollis have been tracking their hours on the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge website. {Do you remember my post from June? Check it out and get caught up on the Summer Reading Challenge. It’s not too late to sign up and get your kiddos reading!} My two children make it pretty easy on me, as they both love reading. Hollis is constantly bringing me books to read to him and Ava can be found several times a day curled up, nose in a book. I feel pretty lucky that I don’t have to pester them to get them to do their daily reading throughout the summer and school year.

We really wanted to have a little get together with a few of the kids’ friends and Read Under the Stars, but with working around vacations, strep throat {twice. ugh}, 9:00 sunsets, and a bad mosquito season,  it hasn’t been able to happen to the extent we had hoped. We did plan a meet up with a few of our close friends at the local water park this past week for some fun in the sun, chit chat about summer happenings, gearing up for back to school, and reading, of course! I shared about the Summer Reading Challenge with the kiddos and their moms and even sent them home with a book and flashlights powered by Eveready so they could do some reading under the stars at their house that evening and throughout the rest of the summer! They loved it and were so excited to get signed up and start logging their minutes each day. I don’t have to tell you how I feel about reading, I know I’ve written about how important it is several times over the past few years. It is just so important to continue reading throughout the summer to prevent that “summer slide”. You want your children retaining as much information from their previous school year and even learning more throughout the summer! Never forget, you are your child’s first teacher!With The Summer Reading Challenge, Parents can:track their students’ reading progress, access free Summer Reading Challenge Participation Guides for book lists (including Common Core-suggested titles), expert resources, activity sheets, a Star Guide, downloadable bookmarks and more

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