This review contains a MAKEUP MUST HAVE! This is a must read review!!! You can thank me later
If you could take one bag of things with you to a deserted island what would be in it? I would have some deodorant (say no to stinky pits), toothpaste & toothbrush (after my 3rd set of braces my teeth are like my babies), a pair of nude heels (HEY! You just never know when you will need them!), chocolate (lots and lots of it), Coke Zero (I would ration it so it lasted longer ), sunscreen (a MUST for a deserted island), some running clothes (who wouldn’t want to get some good beach running in?), and mascara (I always feel “put together” if I am wearing mascara).I wouldn’t take just any old mascara with me. I would ONLY take Younique’s Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lashes. This is a MAKEUP MUST HAVE so listen up ladies.
“Derek Maxfield and Melanie Maxfield, brother and sister, are founders of Younique! Derek wanted to do something for his younger sister who was struggling financially. He wanted to help her become financially independent –so Younique and the famous 3D mascara was created!! Younique is a 22 month old company that has grown incredibly fast!!” Why? Because it is A.MAZE.ING!!! These cosmetics are also organic, all-natural, and mineral-based and free of parabens, oils, synthetic fragrances, and cheap fillers. They are bringing a whole new experience to ‘natural beauty’.Pam Perrone, a Presenter of Younique cosmetics, sent me the Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lashes to review. Not only was I totally thrilled to try this out but I am THRILLED to share it with you. Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lashes is more than just a mascara. It is a “three-step process that combines Transplanting Gel and Natural Fibers to help create the appearance of incredible thickness and volume to your existing lashes.” What lady doesn’t want thicker, longer lashes? I know I do…and I have tried everything to get them. I have even tried the serum that you put on twice a day for months and months in hopes that you grow longer and thicker lashes. That stuff is expensive and unless you are extremely faithful won’t work. Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lashes practically does the same thing, yet you don’t have to break the bank or set reminders on your phone to follow through with your routine.
Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lashes are soooo easy to use. First you apply your favorite mascara…just one coat. It doesn’t matter which mascara you chose! Once it is dry apply the Transplanting Gel. Quickly, while the gel is still wet, apply the Natural Fibers. Reapply the Transplanting Gel to seal on the Natural Fibers. WALAH! Thicker, longer lashes!! If they aren’t thick enough or long enough just apply again. I don’t find that I need a second coat but everyone is different.I love this product so much that I wanted to create a quick video to show you how easily and quickly it is applied. This will also show you that it truly works and I am not doctoring up any photos.Amazing right!? Here are my before and after pictures so you can get a better look.