My son is at the perfect age that we are teaching him new things every day. We are currently working on crawling, getting to a sitting position from belly or back, and how to clap and give high five. Beyond that we are also working on eating…eating more solid food instead of so pureed, using a pincher grasp to pick up finger foods and get them in his mouth, and how to spoon feed himself. It is a lot of work and takes a lot of patience, but we are going to get there with all of these milestones.Béaba = the BEst for A BAby. Béaba, established in, develops innovative, original, colorful, and quality products. If you have a parenting problem they have an answer.Béaba wanted to help my baby learn to find himself, so they sent us the 360° Spoon. The 360° Spoon helps children learn to self feed by an innovative rotating handle. This ensures the spoon stays horizontal, preventing spills from occurring when spoon is held incorrectly.
So at first this didn’t make sense to me. I didn’t get how the spoon really worked. So I took some pictures to show you. Pay attention to the orange handle. It turns and the pink spoon stays horizontal.Pretty fancy huh!? Then, if you turn the handle so the opening is on the top it locks the pink spoon in place. This is so more advanced eaters can use it, helping them transition to a traditional spoon. This thing rocks! I also like that it is small enough for little hands. I have a few spoons that I use to feed my son with that are way to huge for him.The 360° Spoon is available in Plum/Green, Green/Orange, Orange/Fuchsia. You can find the 360° Spoon at Williams Sonoma, online at