Who Will Win? #SexiestManAlive

Can I get a Woot Woot! Look what’s hitting the shelves of a magazine section near youMagazine’sAnnual Sexiest Man Alive issue! I am excited for this issue. It hits shelves Who do you think will win the coveted title?I have to admit I love getting my celeb fix whether it’s by reading PEOPLE Magazine, or watching Celebrity news shows on TV. I can even get my fix online. There is something fun about hearing what they are up to and what they are doing. Can any of you relate?  I mean, as a mom my life can be pretty boring day to day doing the same thing in and out. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a stay at home mom and I love my kids.  I just often fantasize about what I would do if I had that kind of money and celebrity status. Recently, I have been addicted to Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I love seeing what they are wearing and their style. I would have to say it’s my guilty pleasure at night when my kids are sound asleep and I curl up on the couch with a blanket and treat Today, we are giving away a $20 gift card to KROGERS!So you can pick up the PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive issue!

Here’s how to enter to win:

Mandatory first entry:  Who has been your favorite SEXIEST MAN ALIVE in past issues?

Once the mandatory entry is completed you can gain additional entries from the following:

  • 3 entries-Follow RMRV on Pinterest and leave us your profile link2 entries- “Like” RMRV on
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