Protecting Your Nest Familynest

What is more sacred to a mom than her family? Just like a mama bird we create a nest where our family can thrive and prosper. We build our nest to be strong and durable, for our little chickies to thrive and grow up. We also want it to be a safe haven where our family can come for comfort and rest. One of the most important things we can do is make sure our home is safe. Safety is key. From bolt locks on doors, to a fenced backyard. These small and simple things can make a big difference in protecting your nest and kiddos! Crime is all around us these days and we always need to be on alert and aware of the situations around us.

Make a list of contacts and place it on the fridge so if there is every an emergency you have these important phone numbers on hand. For instance 9-1-1, the police department, fire department, poison control, and your local utility phone numbers. Make sure that you always have insurance for your home too. If a fire or natural disaster was to ever strike you would be protected and have piece of mind knowing your insurance would have your back. This is key to recovering after an accident or disaster. When we drive in the car we always buckle our seat belts right? The same should be with our home insurance. We want to make sure that our home is protected each and every day. Did you know that half of Americans say they are under-insured? That’s 58 million* of us. And 70%* of people with kids under 18 say they would be in serious trouble if something happened to the primary breadwinner. Experts say a good rule of thumb is to insure 5 to 10 times your income. It sounds like a lot, but it’s really not. Think about what you’re really worth.  Life insurance will help cover the cost of your mortgage, medical & funeral expenses, continuing childcare, living expense and college tuition.  How many people would have to be hired to do all the things you do for your family? estimates the average stay-at-home mom would earn $117,867 per year if she were paid for all the work she does.

Most people feel overwhelmed when they think about this stuff. Your local Allstate agent can talk you through your situation and help you plan for the future today. Allstate and their agents have been helping customers protect their families for over 50 years. Keeping your little chickies safe and secure will allow your family to grow and prosper and give us mama birds piece of mind everyday. There is nothing better than knowing you have a plan for your family and you know that you have done your best to make sure they are safe and protected.  Make sure you share your emergency plans with your extended family and have an emergency place to meet in case you can’t call each other. This is just one more way to keep your nest safe in times of emergency. What are some other ways you can keep your family nest safe? Share your thoughts with us.

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