Locker Swag

To a middle schooler, appearance is everything.  I know…..I wish more importance was placed on character, too, but let’s face it, those tween/teen years are often self centered.  It’s that time between carefree childhood and adult responsibility where kids learn who they are and what they like doing.  Tweens and teens are eager to let you know what they want to wear, the music they want to listen to and how they want to decorate the spaces that surround them.
Over the past 3 years I’ve been raving about Lockerlookz, a must have brand of locker decor for the stylish middle school girl who wants to express herself to classmates.  School is like a home away from home because of the amount of time spent there, so, why not give your daughter, granddaughter, or niece an opportunity to glam up her locker “living room”.   Each time she has a passing period with a stop by her locker, she’ll have the chance to see her handy work.  From wallpaper in chic, trendy patterns complete with glitter details, to furry rugs, to adorable magnetic hanging chandeliers, Lockerlookz has the goods.

In my previous reviews I’ve mentioned some specifics about the products, {If you’ve missed those reviews, check here, here & here}, but this post I want to focus on a cool tool from the Lockerlookz website.  It’s the Design Your Locker feature.  This is a fun tool to use to see what your locker will look like using various Lockerlookz products.  Start by choosing your favorite wall paper design, then add a rug, lighting, fashion storage bins, even a little bling magnet.   If you don’t like a combination, remove the item with the click of a button and select something new.  Graphics are crisp and clear and really do reflect the product you’ll receive.  My oldest daughter has had two completely different locker designs in her three years of middle school.  My youngest will be starting middle school next year and thanks to Lockerlookz, was able to Design her own locker already.  She was so excited to receive the Blue Dot Wallpaper, Magnetic Pink Lamp, Blue glittery chevron bin and pink flower magnet.  As a mom, I’m excited that she is excited and ready to move into this next phase of life (….unaware of the awkwardness to come :))!
Here is a look at her Lockerlookz combination for next year!:
Thank you Lockerlookz for giving young girls inspiration for the middle school years!  Lockerlookz is REAL MOM RECOMMENDED!!  Now is the time to purchase Lockerlookz for affordable stocking stuffers!!!  
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Christina married her college sweetheart, has two lovely “tween” ladies and owns an event floral business. Wanna know more about the Real Moms Team? click here.

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