I’m fed up with my worn out floor? How to give new look to my floors?

Is this you struggling to find the answer to these questions?

Don’t worry, I’m going to help you out.

I know having a beautiful home with shining floor and natural light is what all of us desires. And I have seen most of the households in the UK go for sand flooring to give elegant look to their homes.

Wondering what is wood floor sanding

It is simply a process of removing top surfaces of a wooden floor by sanding with abrasive materials or professional sanding equipment. Now let’s discuss why people in the UK go for wood floor sanding :

1) Makes your floor look newer

With the span of time scratches forms and some kind of stains build their homes on floor which ultimately shows the sign of floors age. But, floor sanding can help bring a new finish to your old  floor and make it look like new.

2) Improves Lighting

Raise your hand, if you aspire to have natural lightning at your home?

I guess all your hands are up in the air.

If this is what you want then floor sanding in the right solution for you. When you go for floor sanding the light automatically bounces to your home. You really don’t need to turn on the light as you have plenty of natural light in your home.

3) Cleanliness

You really don’t need to worry about cleaning your floor when you have opted to floor sanding. Old floor means lots of grooves which also means lots of dust. But sand flooring helps you to get rid of these grooves giving your floor a complete clean and smooth look.

4) Strength

Do you know sand dunes makes your floor more resistant to furniture weight?  

Yes, it does. It evens out the surface of the floor and also it’s level. Not only this, it also closes up the extra spaces between planks, tightens loose nails, and removes wood splits.

5) Pest Control

It also prevents pests as it abolishes small crevices and holes in the floor. Thus termites and insects don’t get space to burrow and breed.

6) Value

Getting your wood floor sanded can help you to instantly increase your home’s value. And we all know that homebuyers are tend to buy the homes with beautifully sanded floors. So if you are planning to sell your property then floor sanding can prove to be extremely beneficial to you.

7) Varnishing 

Planning to re-stain your your floor? Then sanding is the best option for you. In few simple steps give complete new look to your room. Staining always remains a smart idea if you want to make your floors look the way you want.

Positively by now you know why parquet floor sanding is opted by most of the households in UK.

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