Finally there’s a tool to help you teach your children to stay within arm’s reach—Hold-On Handles.With Hold-On Handles you can feel more confident, and your children can be safer, more active and happily independent when you are out and about together.Hold-On Handles are the ideal accessory to use while doing errands or visiting an amusement park, zoo, or other special event, eliminating the need to always drag out the stroller.Ava is now at the age where she doesn’t always want to be strapped into the stroller when we are out and about. Who am I kidding, she has always wanted to be out walking and free. Depending where we are, and how crowded places are, sometimes getting out of the stroller is just not an option, and sometimes it is. When she is allowed to get out and walk, I always make her hold onto one of the stroller handles. This way she stays close to me and I always know where she is…because it seems like I am always tripping over her. Doesn’t sound like the best strategy, but it is all I could come up with. Thank goodness for Hold-On Handles! We were generously sent the Bizzy Bugs Double Handle Set and we absolutely love them; they are so bright and colorful. {of course, Ava always chooses to hold onto the ladybug!} They allow Ava to get out and stroll along side the stroller, not under my feet. It gives her a little more freedom and independence all while teaching her to stay close! The Hold-On Handles are extremely simple to use. You just snap the clip onto the stroller and off you go. I also like that I can slide one end around my wrist and the kids can hold on to their own handles as we walk. Again, giving them a little more freedom and independence. So nice for all of us! The Hold-On Handles are such a great option when we are on the go.
Here are the details of the Hold-On Handles:
The first stroller accessory and walking rope to help keep 1-3 children within arm’s reach.Snaps onto strollers or can be worn comfortably on mom’s wrist. Children can be safely active.Children LOVE to grasp the whimsical handles—and their independence.Sold in sets for single or multiple children (18+ months) in two stylized themes.Unlike embarrassing harnesses, Hold-On Handles help teach children to stay close while making everyone look and feel great.