“The drama continues in Pretty Little Liars as season two begins moments after the explosive season one finale. The girls are the talk of the town — and not in a good way. Surprises and challenges will be in store for each this season, and “A” may succeed in her quest. Whoever said that change is good has never visited Rosewood, PA … or come across four pretty little liars. Loaded with behind-the-scenes featurettes, unaired scenes and a hilarious gag reel, Pretty
Little Liars:
The Complete Second Season on DVD is a must have for any PLL fan.The fashion sense from the girls of Pretty Little Liars never fails to impress. Whether it’s during a fashion show, Masquerade Ball or for Halloween the girls are always dressed to impress. My favorite fashion would have to be that of Spencer. I love how chic she is. I absolutely love how she mixes vintage with her everyday wardrobe and she wears it so well! Wouldn’t it be fabulous to dress like all the cast of Pretty Little Liars in everyday life?!? Wow I would love all their ensembles in my closet! Which gal dresses in your style of fashion?