In the action-comedy 21 Jump Street, Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) are more than ready to leave their adolescent problems behind. Joining the police force and the secret Jump Street unit, they use their youthful appearances to go undercover in a local high school. As they trade in their guns and badges for backpacks, Schmidt and Jenko risk their lives to investigate a violent and dangerous drug ring. But they find that high school is nothing like they left it just a few years earlier – and neither expects that they will have to confront the terror and anxiety of being a teenager again and all the issues they thought they had left behind. I thought Josh might like this one, since he is a cop and all and the whole movies is about a couple of cops. I was right! Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum star in this action/comedy. They are a SUPER pair! I have seen movies with both guys and was interested to see how the two would interact together. Jonah Hill is in a few not-so-family-friendly movies like Superbad and Knocked Up.
Most things that I have seen with him have been a little naughty, but then there are others like How to Train a Dragon and Night at the Museum that my kids love. The movies that I could recall with Channing Tatum were chick flicks like The Vow and Dear John. Josh knew him…but from a more manly movie, GI Joe. I haven’t thought of him as “funny” (good looking, yes) until tonight. The entire movie was laugh out loud funny. I am a laugh-er, Josh not so much….and he laughed over and over. ( The guy behind me laughed about every 30 seconds!) This is NOT a family movie!! There is LOTS of language, sex talk, drug/alcohol, and violence. If naughty words don’t bother you, then you will laugh yourself silly. I liked the story, Josh liked the “cop” aspect. After seeing it, his comment was “I wish we could talk like that to the people we arrest.” Oh brother! In the movie, these two are new (pretty crappy) cops. One smart, one tough. Once they FINALLY get an arrest, they think it is awesome, I thought it was funny! I am a little raunchy (in a good way of course) and thought the movie was great.