Own a Lot of Antiques and Collectables? Safety Guidelines When Moving House!

moving house

Your home is perhaps a replica of an interior design magazine cover with lots of classy furniture and exquisite crockery, and many of them are perhaps antiques. Naturally you love and treasure them. These are your prized possessions, which you perhaps collected during your world tours or may be the lovely purchase from a famous auction or perhaps handed down by your favourite great-grand-aunt. Whatever their origin may be, but you are always absolutely crazy about your antiques and collectables. That is why it is natural to feel a sense of helplessness when you are moving your house. How do you protect your treasures?

Shifting a house can be a really hard-working and stressful time for you. Apart from managing the packaging, cleaning and the lease formalities, there are still lots of work to consider and finish before and after you move to a new place. To simplify your tough task here, contacting Enrights Removals, renowned removalists in Sunshine Coast is the best option to consider. They are one of the oldest in the removalist industry with an experience of 130 years and promise to perform the duty perfectly for you. Oh yes, and protect your valuables too.

 How can you safeguard your antiques and collectables while moving?

No matter how good your removalists are, mishaps do happen and there can be serious damage to your antiques and collectables due to them.  And because they are so precious, you have to make sure that they are packed very well and carefully. So below are the few tips that would help you to pack your collectables and antiques wisely and ensure that they’re safe and sound when you move to your new house:

  • Make the list —Making a list is important to understand how many antique and collectable items you have.  This would help you to keep a record of your precious items and track them later after moving to a new place.
  • Click the pictures — Taking pictures ensures that you have solid proof that your antiques were perfect and intact when you packed them for moving. This helps when there’s damage to them while moving, and you have to claim reimbursement from your removal company.
  • Get good quality boxes — You need excellent quality boxes to pack these precious items so that they stay secured in this packaging. But remember to reinforce the boxes so that they can hold the weight of the antiques and don’t give away.
  • Pack with a thick padding — You will require a thick padding to pack your antiques and precious collectables. These can be anything like thick towels, your old T-shirts, bubble-wrap, specially padded packaging materials, etc. Make sure the product is enveloped in these properly before placing them in the boxes.
  • Get the fragile tags — After securing the box with a tight gripped tape, ensure you are putting a fragile label on it. Also, mark them as antiques or important, so that the person lifting and moving them knows it’s something really special and should be handled, kept and treated with caution.
  • Place or transport them separately — You will have to instruct the removalist company to either keep a separate place for these items, or deliver in another round, so that they don’t collide with the heavy furniture or other materials and get damaged.
  • Check these things first after moving — When you are done with the moving, the first thing that you should do is — open and check your precious items, so that you can make the claim immediately if any damage is done to them.  

If you are securing your antics in the way that is described above and packing and caring for them exactly as mentioned, then we are very much sure that you won’t face any issues with them even during the transportation, the lifting and moving of them to a new place. 

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