Im Taking The 14 Day Slim Fast Challenge Sponsored

It’s a New Year. What comes with a New Year? New Year Resolutions. I don’t like to set resolutions. Most of the time I don’t accomplish them, and then I feel bad about it when I don’t. Instead I am making a pledge to myself to make small changes in my everyday life that will benefit not only myself but also my family. For instance I am going to try to get organized throughout the year by cleaning a little here and there. No big overhaul. Just a little here and there to help get the home in order. I am also going to make better food choices for myself and my family to improve our eating habits. I am also planning on hitting the gym at least twice per week. This in turn will help me to feel better about myself and I won’t have to feel like I didn’t reach some unreachable goal that I set for myself on January 1st.

I am taking the 14 day Slimfast Challenge. Want to join me?

Looking to quickly lose a few pounds for an upcoming special occasion, but want to avoid fad diets or intensive workout routines? So do I, and Slimfast® is our answer!I’m excited to be taking the Slimfast® 14-Day Challenge and replacing two meals with Slimfast® shakes or bars to help me hit my trim-down goal. With these great products I’m set to lose six pounds in just two weeks! Please support me in this journey and stay tuned to when I reveal my results in just a couple of weeks.Slimfast® is making it even easier this new year – if you buy any Ready-to-Drink 4-pack you can get any Slimfast® product of equal or lesser value free when you use the coupon found inside your local Walgreens through.

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