How to find a nutritionist

A qualified nutritionist can help with weight loss, managing chronic conditions, or just learning how to eat better.

It can be not easy to find the right nutritionist. These are the steps you need to take to find the nutritionist in London.

Ask for referrals

Anyone can be called a nutritionist in many states. Referrals from trusted healthcare providers are a good idea. Referrals are the fastest and most efficient way to locate any professional. A referral from a healthcare expert will increase your chances of finding one. For example, your doctor may already have a relationship with a nutritionist, dietitian, or nutrition or dietary counsel. (Depending on your state, there may be some titles for nutrition counsellors.

These are some good sources of referrals:

  • Your doctor. Inform your doctor that you are interested in nutrition counselling. Ask your doctor for recommendations. You can call your doctor to make an appointment or leave a message expressing interest in nutrition counselling. You may get recommendations from someone in the office over the phone.
  • Local health department. Local public health departments often have established relationships with local nutritionists because they are the home of programs like WIC (Women, Infants and Children), a nutrition program for low-income families, and senior dining programs.
  • Local hospitals. Many hospitals have Registered Dietitians who provide nutrition counselling services. They might also collaborate with community nutritionists.
  • A nearby college or university has a nutrition department. Nutrition departments educate future nutritionists. These departments also have doctorate-level nutrition specialists.
  • American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. For a complete list of local dietitians, visit their website at
  • Your insurance agency. Many insurance companies offer nutrition counselling coverage. Check your policy to find out which providers and services are covered by your insurance.

Verify Credentials

Double-check the credentials and education of any nutritionist before you make an appointment. Ask about:

  • Education. Where did the nutritionist study? What degree did the nutritionist earn? A nutritionist should have a bachelor’s in nutrition, dietetics, or health science. Ask about further education in nutrition if the degree is in a related field (e.g., nursing).
  • Title. Certified Clinical Nutritionist and Certified Nutrition Specialist are some titles that show a high-level professional preparation. These titles are a guarantee of professional expertise. However, not all health professionals can be certified to offer nutrition counselling services without these titles.
  • Certifications and continuing education. Ask about the continuing education and certifications of any individual you are considering if they don’t hold a nutrition degree or have a recognized title. Some health professionals continue their education to become nutrition counsellors.

Ask Questions

Ask a few questions about the work and expertise of the nutritionist. Ask:

  • Which clients are you most familiar with? A nutritionist should have experience with working with clients similar to yours. If you want someone to help you lose weight, you should look for a nutritionist specializing in this area. Look for someone with experience working with people with Diabetes, especially if you have just been diagnosed with Diabetes.
  • What can I expect from a session? A typical session will include time to talk about your lifestyle, diet and progress, education and possibly a list to do at home.
  • What number of sessions do you believe we will need to see any progress? You don’t want any quick fixes. It would be best if you were patient to change your eating habits. You should work with a nutritionist for a long time for the best results.

These three steps will help you find a nutritionist and get you to good health.

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