Closet Organization One Boot At A Time

Is your New Year’s resolution to be more organized?  To keep your room cleaner?  To take your shoes at at the door? To keep your shoes picked up and put away?  Well I have the perfect solution for you!!

Boot Butler is a wonderful solution to boot storage and closet organization.  Designed by Andy Elstein, son of The Closet Lady, this product will keep your boots off the floor, crease free, and looking great!

Boot Butler sent me a 3-pair boot rack.  It is also available in a 5-pair boot rack.  “It’s designed to fit comfortably below standard double hanging closet rods where there’s generally at least 3 feet 4 inches (1.02 meters) of space below the rods. If your closet has two garment rods (i.e. a double hanging configuration) and the rods are high enough to hang a button down dress shirt, than you can definitely fit 2 and very likely 3 pairs of boots below that rod.”  Really, any closet with a rod!  The Boot Butler uses the depth your closet to hang your precious boots, no matter the length of them.
My husband and I have a fairly small walk-in closet…at least small for my wardrobe! LOL  I usually store bigger items in the basement in a guest room closet.  Recently, my boots have been strewn all over my closet floor though because I don’t have anywhere else to put them.  I have things that go in the boots to keep them from flopping over and creasing but that doesn’t keep them from tipping over and getting stepped on.  I was thrilled to receive Boot Butler and get to organizing.

The Boot Butler was really easy to put together.  I mean really easy.  No tools needed and done within literally 2 minutes!  It took longer to pick out which boots I would hang up then it did to put the Boot Butler together.

I set mine up in the basement closet to store the boots I am not currently wearing…thanks a lot fat calves!  I like it so much though that I would like to get more and just store all my boots down there throughout the whole year.  I love that the Boot Butler keeps my boots off the floor and from getting smashed by other things.  I also love that I can see my boots.  I don’t have to dig under a pile of shoes or search through boxes to see what I have.  I also like that I would wear more of a variety of my boots because I won’t forget what I have.
Honestly, I love this so much I wish I could fit it in my closet that I use every day.  I only have a half a bar though.  I know it only takes up 7″ of rod space but I need every inch of space and even at that I have tons of clothes in the garage calling my name.  (My husband built the house and obviously didn’t ask a woman’s opinion on a master bedroom walk-in closet. :- )
The 3-pair Boot Butler retails for $49.99 and a 5-pair Boot Butler retails for $69.99.  At first that price seems just a but high for my taste but when you think about how much you spend on your beautiful boots why would you not get it!?  Protect your purchases so they look great every time you wear them.
Put your best foot forward in 2015 and get your closet organized!  If you are a no-shoe house you could even put one of these in your coat closet and keep your boots up and out of the way and close to the door for quick access.

Boot Butler is Real Mom approved!

Crissa is a SAHM who loves working out, shopping, and watching reality TV shows. click here to find out more about our team.

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