Can a woman with breast or nipple cancer breastfeed her baby safely?
Yes. Breastfeeding is possible for mothers who have had nipple or breast surgery. Postpartum women are able to produce at most a few drops of colostrum (first) milk. Even if the mother gets only a small amount of milk, she is providing antibodies to her baby at each feeding.
Each woman is unique. Some women might have a reduced milk supply. These moms are able to produce all the milk they need. Some women might produce less breastmilk. It is impossible to predict how much milk a baby will produce before she is born. So that they can assist a new mother with her milk supply, caregivers should know the history of the woman’s surgery.
La Leche League says that a woman with a history of breast surgery five years or more before becoming pregnant has a higher milk supply. This holds true regardless of what type of surgery was performed.
What kinds of surgery can impact the production of breastmilk?
A breast surgery that involves the cutting of milk ducts or nerves in breasts can affect breast milk supply. The greatest impact on milk supply is likely to be from breast reduction surgery. A woman can produce less milk if she has breast augmentation (increases in the breast size), lift, nipple and other diagnostic procedures. The breast nipple or areola will not be removed during breast surgery, which can reduce milk supply. How much milk production is affected depends on where and how deep the incision was made.
What can a mother who has had breast- or nipple surgery to increase breast milk production?
To increase breast milk production, it is important to get as much milk from the breast as possible within the first two weeks. A well-latched, active baby is the best pump. If more milk is taken out, breasts will produce more milk. The body decides how much breastmilk is necessary in the first two to 3 weeks.
Manual expression is the best way to get rid of milk in the first three days, other than breastfeeding. After milk has been established, manual expression and pumping can be used to remove it. If baby does not latch within 10 days of delivery, mothers should pump or express milk.
While breast emptying can be a significant factor in increasing milk supply and quality, it is best to have your baby at your breast. Breast compression, relaxation techniques and the use of herbal and prescription medications that increase milk production (galactagogues) are some other methods.
What can a nursing mom do to supplement breastfeeding?
If necessary, you can give your baby formula or expressed milk. Tube feeding is used to supplement breast milk. It consists of a container with supplemental liquid. The tube connects to the container via a tube. This allows the baby to simultaneously eat the tube and the nipple. For more information, consult your Lactation Consultant.
What is the best way for a mother to measure success breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding has many other benefits than breast milk production. Breastfeeding does not necessarily mean having a constant supply of milk. Breast milk can be the only nutrition for some mothers. Some mothers may require that the baby receive all of its nutrition from supplements.
Even if you have to use a supplemental feeding device, nurturing your baby at breast can be incredibly rewarding. Every drop of breastmilk counts, even for new mothers. Mothers cherish the time their baby spends skin-on-skin. Even if the baby doesn’t get nutrition from sucking, this time is crucial.
Can a woman with nipple piercings breastfeed her baby after having it?
You might consider removing nipple jewellery in the second trimester. The jewelry should be left on during breastfeeding. You should remove nipple jewelry before breastfeeding to avoid infant choking. Recent piercings may not heal completely. Mothers should be aware of signs of infection and scarring, which can lead to plugged nipple pores during breastfeeding. Milk may be pumped from the pierced areas by an infant who is nursing.