Boat Parts and Accessories Buyer’s Guide

The Boating Emporium also offers a wide range of parts for boats that you can purchase to upgrade or furnish your boat. We offer a wide range of products, including marine galleys, cooktops and freezers, fridges, water heaters, and refrigerators.

The marine galley range is different than the household ranges. These galleys are equipped with safety features such as secured latches that prevent oven doors from being forced open by the weight and volume of the containers. They can also be operated on a 30-degree angle and may require different fuels or electrical power.

These ranges are made of stainless steel to prevent rusting over time.

These stoves are not equipped with ovens. Like galley ranges and marine cooktops, they can be powered with a variety of combustible fuels such as propane, butane or CNG. They can also be powered by electricity. To prevent rusting, these cooktops can also be made of stainless steel. They are usually fitted with thermocouple gas shutoff and electronic ignition to ensure safety onboard.

(insert photo of marine galley stovetop)

Marine refrigerators are made up of five components: the compressor (condenser), expansion valve, evaporator and a refrigerant. The fridge’s temperature is controlled by a thermostat. The thermostat is generally the same size as a personal fridge, but the fridge’s capacity will depend on the size of the boat. Your boating activities, the time spent on the boat and the climate will all affect the requirements of your fridge.

Marine freezers are compressor-driven freezers which can freeze up to 0degF. Some freezers come built-in while others can be removed and replaced.

(insert photo of marine fridge and freezer)

The marine water heaters may not be the same as your heaters at home. They typically produce water from either the main engine heat exchanging or the 110V powering heat element. The heat from the heat exchanger heats the water heater coils while the boat is in operation. These coils heat water within the heater. The heater’s 110V heating element is on the inside. You can charge it with shore power or an on-board generator.

(insert photo of marine water heaters)

We hope you found this guide to boat accessories Perth parts helpful. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.


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