My daughter is now two. I can’t believe it. Time has flown by and I swear we were just bringing her home from the hospital all small and cuddly. With the age of two comes a lot of “I can do it myself” mentality. She likes to brush her own teeth, comb her own hair, and put on her own shoes. She practically wants to do everything herself. When it comes to toys she is very hands on. She doesn’t want mom or dad helping her. She will get it right herself! She gets her stubbornness from both of us. She sees her big brother riding a bike now, and there are times when he isn’t looking that she will jump on it and try to ride like he does. Boy, was she excited when her new Prince Lionheart whirl scooter arrived. Daddy quickly put it together (in under 5 minutes) a record when it comes to assembling toys in our home. She hoped on and her eyes lit up!
The Prince Lionheart whirl scooter is made with a two to five year old in mind. It’s small with an adjustable seat. Has great hand grips, and is built with a little ones body in mind. Just the right proportions for a little child to ride and balance on. She loves her new bike and I can see the confidence in her eyes as she walks it around the house. When the weather warms up, we will take it out side and she can learn how to glide on it. I find it adorable in design, almost too cute to let her ride. It looks like a classic toy that you would put on display. It’s that cute! We love that it is helping her to learn balance and coordination that will hopefully help her to transition to a bike in a few years.Prince Lionheart’s whirl balance SCOOTER™ will teach your child how to balance – a crucial skill necessary before transitioning to a two-wheeled pedal bicycle. Your child’s sense of independence and self-confidence will become evident as they learn to balance and steer at their own pace: first walking, then gliding on this balance bike!