8 Things to Consider Before Getting Braces for Your Child

For most children, getting braces is a coming of age. We all remember those struggles of our parents telling us not to pop brackets off. Now, it’s time for your own children to have their braces put on. 

Before you make that call, there are several things you should consider. From the length of braces to the price of them. Is your child ready for the responsibility? 

Before getting in touch with the orthodontist, know the responsibility. Here are 8 things to consider before getting your child braces. Be sure you and your child are up for the challenge. 

1. Age Can Effect Shifting

Your child’s age should be a factor in when they get braces. When children are young, the shape and size of their mouths often change. This could mean that if braces are put on too early, their mouths may move over time. 

Discuss with your child’s orthodontist if they believe it is time. Your orthodontist has had plenty of experience with putting on braces. They will give you the best indication of when is right. 

Typically braces are put on between the ages of 8 and 14. This is after your child’s baby teeth have fallen out. 

2. The Cost Is Pricey

The cost of braces can be a shock for many parents. It’s no secret that dental work is never cheap. Braces are an area of dental work that costs the most.

The average price of braces for one child is between $3,000 to $10,000. This all depends on the type of braces you and the orthodontist decide is best. 

Many offices offer payment plans. This will help you to afford your child’s dental care. Braces may be expensive, but they are also an important factor in your child’s dental care. 

3. Lengthy Time Requirement 

Depending on what your child’s teeth look like, the braces will need to stay in place. Your orthodontist will talk with you and your child and decide what will be best. 

Oftentimes, braces will need to be in place for between 16 and 18 months. In some cases, 24 months is also an option. It depends on what your child’s teeth may look like. 

This treatment depends on how the mouth responds to the braces. Some teeth move faster than others. The orthodontist will assess your child’s teeth at every screening.

4. Takes Time to Adjust 

Orthodontics is always an adjustment for a child. They will need time to get used to the feeling of the braces in their mouths. This may cause some discomfort. 

They will find that braces come with a list of foods that they can’t enjoy for a while. Your child must be ready for the responsibility of letting go of hard chips, popcorn, and gum. That commitment is necessary. 

It may take some time for your child to settle into this new routine. Talk with them ahead of time about why braces are important. Also, speak with them on what braces are going to prevent them from eating. 

5. Children Hardly Listen to Diet

Know that your child is going to struggle with their new diet. Be prepared for your child to come home with braces that have popped off. They may even have wires out of place due to snacks they shouldn’t have had. 

This will send you back to the orthodontist’s office to have them fixed. Children often have a hard time when it comes to the new food adjustments. They tend to sneak those snacks they have been told to avoid. 

Prepare yourself ahead of time to need frequent trips to the orthodontist. It may be frustrating at the moment, but children are still learning. 

6. Tightening Will Cause Pain

Be prepared for those monthly tightening appointments to hurt. Child braces cause the teeth to shift and move. Teeth are being forced into new placements. 

Every time your child has a tightening, they may find themselves with discomfort. Understand in advance that this mouth pain may cause your child to be moody. This may remind you of the teething stage. 

Before your child’s braces are, prepare for mood swings. They may be volatile every month when their braces are tightened. 

7. Dental Care Is a Challenge 

Your child will be learning how to care for their teeth all over again. This time, it won’t be as easy as brushing, flossing, and rinsing. They’re going to have to learn how to manage the braces. 

Prepare them for the fact that braces can be difficult. They will not be able to reach the spaces that they need to. This will require extra effort. 

Their responsibility will be to listen to the orthodontist. The doctors have tips and tricks for making sure those teeth are in great shape underneath. Check out the best orthodontic websites for advice on how to maintain teeth health. 

Talk with your child about the responsibility they will be taking on. Go over why it is important to take care of your teeth carefully while they have braces. Dental hygiene becomes even more important with their braces. 

8. Aftercare Is Integral 

Understand before braces are on that orthodontics doesn’t stop. You and your child should be ready for aftercare. Talking about it first will prevent trouble afterward. 

A retainer will be needed once the braces are off. Talk to your child about the benefits of wearing their retainer. Make sure they know that over time teeth will move again. The retainer will help maintain the work that the braces will do. 

Speaking about retainer care will prepare them. Have an open dialog before their braces are put on. Make sure that they know braces and retainers are not punishments. 

Are Braces for Your Child?

Once you’ve decided that your child is ready for braces, contact an orthodontist you trust. It may be a very long couple of years, but that perfect smile will be worth it. 

Braces can be a challenge for some children. In a few years, they’ll thank you for it. Just make sure they get all of their sticky and crunchy foods out of the way now. 

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