My baby is weighing in at 20lbs and is going to turn 10 months old within a week. Wow how time flies. I remember bringing him home from the hospital and knowing that if I placed him on the floor, he would be right there when I came back into the room. That’s not the case anymore. No sir! He is a mover. He just started crawling and boy can that kid move. I will place him in my office while I work and when I look up he’s gone and it has only been 10 seconds. He will be halfway down the hall trying to get into his sisters bedroom. He even started shutting doors on himself. I know what this means now WALKING is not far away.
Set up was a breeze. As you can see in this picture there are very little pieces to put together making the process only about 5 minutes from start to finish. You simply add the seat and rolling wheels and you are in business. It’s that simple to put together. No hubby help needed on this one! My little guy was sent a Greenie Spoon Walker to test out! This couldn’t have come at a better time. He loves moving around the house on his knees, put him in this Greenie Spoon Walker and it brings his crusin’ to a whole new level. He flies down the hall and kitchen and he loves every minute of it.
Our carpet is pretty low so he is able to move on it with this walker just like on the kitchen linoleum floor. He loves using his feet to move and he is always smiling when he is in it. I am loving how nice it looks. It’s not an annoying print that doesn’t blend in with my home decor. It looks nice when left out and I love that. Favorite Features: Seat Pad is Machine Washable, a must-have feature in my book! Folds flat for storing and traveling. It fits nicely between the front and back seat in my car and in the trunk it leaves plenty of space for everything else we need when traveling.