It’s hard to be a mom. If you feel tired or worn out, you aren’t alone. We hope you find this reminder of how great YOU ARE makes you smile today!
Hot Fudge Sundae Birthday Cake Play Video
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a Mother. I enjoyed playing house and taking good care of my children. This job seemed like a dream job. You have to rock a baby and give it love. Change its clothes and sing to him. It’s not a terrible gig. Wow!
My mother did so much that I didn’t notice. There was endless laundry, meals to make, and the tears to wipe away or the wounds to clean. Being a mom has changed the way I view things.
There are many jobs moms do every day. No parenting course will give you the qualifications. What about a warning letter that you receive in the mail? It will let you know what the future holds. You won’t receive one, so don’t stop checking your mailbox. Ha!
You are more than “Just Mom”.
Although it can be difficult at times, I love all the hats that I get to wear as a mom. I cringe to hear people say, “I’m just Mom”. You are so much more than that. Let’s break it down…
Cookies, you can! Even if you don’t know much about making frozen chicken nuggets or macaroni and cheddar, it doesn’t matter! You plan the meal, prepare it and clean up afterward. No matter what, you can still wear the hat in my cookbook. Even if they don’t eat the green beans or broccoli, it was your effort, so it counts!
Who gets up in the middle night to take a shower, clean out vomit, or administer medication? It’s a nurse, you guessed it! You earned it! Mothers can often be just what the doctor ordered for a sick child. You can help them feel better by sitting next to them and rubbing their backs.
Sometimes it can be difficult to endure a soccer match in the cold. Let’s face it; our children love to shine. It is so exciting to see them overcome challenges and accomplish great things. We feel proud and like we accomplished something. You might need a helmet or a set of pom-poms for your wardrobe. It doesn’t matter what. You have earned it! Go, MOM!!
Taxi Driver
If the shoe fits, that’s great! All those hours spent driving. You are responsible for getting your children to school, church, friends’ houses and practice. We’ve been there for you. Sometimes, we are there more than once a week or even every day. Grab your hat. Maybe we should all start asking for tips!
This hat is my favorite. In quiet moments, our children ask us how we feel about situations that are so important. It brings us joy. They listen to what we have to say and value our words. It’s all worth it! Every moment of misery when we were told that we knew NOTHING was worth the effort! Yahoo!! We are not stupid! We are not losers
This is the worst job I have ever seen! It’s a tedious, never-ending job. It is important, to be honest with ourselves. It is unlikely that you can do all of your laundries at once. We have everything under control, and everything looks great. Then suddenly, a tornado, also known as children, appears. It is amazing to see the amount of destruction left behind by these tornadoes. It takes five hours to clean a house. But it only takes 5 minutes to fix it. This is a fact. Grab your hat, and look under the couch if it’s not there!
Children are going to make mistakes. We will need to clean up after them. Sometimes we will have to act as a defense attorneys to represent our children to teachers, friends, siblings, or the other parent. Let’s just hope these misdemeanors don’t happen, like wearing the clothes of an older sister, causing damage to a friend’s bike or breaking dad’s lucky golf clubs. It’s a long road, friends. Plead the fifth and grab your hat!
I don’t know which is worse: multiplication facts or spelling tests. We have to teach our children how to do them. We have long nights ahead, full of fun science fair projects and research papers. This one took everything I had! Before you make another flashcard, put on your glue-covered hat.
The list could go on. We wear so many hats that it’s hard to remember which one is!
Keep up the great work. This is possible!
If someone says they are just a mom, please correct them. We are proud to wear all of our hats! Motherhood is a gift earned through sweat, tears, and spit-up. Go ahead, take some time for yourself. You can give yourself a high-five, grab your cape and put on your hat; every mother has a SUPERWOMAN inside!