Whats Your Childs Style Jcpback2School

With back to school shopping quickly approaching, now is the time to start watching the sales and circulars. You can score awesome deals on everything from jeans and shirts, to dresses and jackets. I love finding great deals on clothing for my kiddos. I loved back to school shopping as a kid. I remember my mom giving us an allotted amount of money and we had to spend it on what we wanted. She didn’t make us get this or that, she let us choose whatever we found to be our sense of style. I remember eagerly awaiting the shopping trip we would make all weekend and picking out the cutest sneakers and shirts. I wouldn’t spend my money on just anything. I would look and wait until I found that amazing shirt or jacket and then buy it with such eagerness and excitement. I mean, I knew I would be wearing these clothes on the first days of school and I wanted to look awesome. I would then get home and empty my bags and hang up all my clothes neatly in my closet. Then I would look at them everyday waiting for the day school started so I could wear them!

The night before school started, I would stand at my closet and pick out just what I was going to wear. I would then proceed to lay them all out on the end of my bed and crawl into bed anticipating the next day at school. I would get up and go to school super confident and excited to see all my friends and start a new year. I want to be able to help my kids develop their own sense of style. Right now they are too young to do their own shopping, but once they get older I plan on letting them express who they are through their clothing. I think it’s key to becoming the person that they will be. I am going to do the same thing as my mother and let my kids pick out their back to school clothing. That way they can have the same childhood/school experience as I did. Start watching those sale circulars and get ready for some fun back to school shopping. A great place to start is at JCPenney. They always have tons to choose from and prices that won’t break the bank. They also offer fun variety and brands to keep your kiddos looking sharp on their first day of school. Have you already noticed your child taking on their own fashion sense? Step back and take a look at how they dress daily. I am sure they will surprise you.

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